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This story begins when there was a Japanese asked, why there is a note said “kaban”, in one friend’s bag. It is not something meaningless that she put a word “kaban” on her bag, because Kaban is her last name. For Indonesian, probably this is not some strange thing, but for the Japanese, it becomes awkward, because the word “kaban” means bag in Japanese language.
Bag surely is not something new in our lives. Everyday, or even every moment we notice that thing around us. But probably, most of us rarely notice bag deeply. In France, there was time when bag became big issue. In the end of the year of 2008, First Lady of France, Carla Bruni, sued clothing company Pardon, for displaying the picture of her, on the bag produced by Pardon. The wife of France President, Nicolas Sarkozy, demanded devastation of all bags produced by Pardon, with the picture of her undressed on it, when she was a supermodel. Furthermore, on that bag also noted “My husband should have taken me for shopping in Pardon”. Bruni’s demand was replied by the head of Pardon, Peter Mertes, by saying that it was completely acceptable action if Pardon uses the picture of Carla Bruni, considering Bruni is a public figure. Peter Mertes also said that Pardon had produced 10.000 bags with picture of Carla Bruni, and going to sell or give for free those bags to those who spend their money for shopping at Pardon. Oh la la..
It is quite a different story with what happened in Salt Lake City, Utah. Microbiologist Amy Karen from Nelson Laboratories had a research about bag. And the result is quite impressing. In fact, almost all the bags that were tested, not only contained bacteria, but very dangerous ones. For example, pseudomonas that causes an eye infection, staphylococcus arouse that causes very serious skin infection, salmonella, as well as e-coli that cause serious illness. A bag of young women who often go hang out to the club, café, or discotheque, are the most contaminated ones. The result of the laboratory’s test showed that often bag contains feces and vomit. It happens because whether one is aware or not, people often put their bag everywhere they like, such as toilet wash basin, under the seat, inside carriage, or on the bus floor.
Generally, there is a thought that bag reflects personality. Bag used by someone, reflects the character of the person. For example, pink bag with ribbon or lace as an accent, assumed as a reflection of feminine and romantic women. Someone who likes to have a bag with “clearly seen brand”, categorized as a “walking advertisement”. Whereas, natural lovers usually prefer a recycled material bag. For those who categorized as “happy go lucky”, do not really care about the luggage, so they use a small convenient bag, to carry important things only.
These are small piece of many other stories about bag. Hmm… probably after reading this, we will pay more attention to our bags. Take good care of them, put them in the right place, such as hanger, or probably find a new idea to create something new with bags? As you like.

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