When the Ambassadors and Expatriates Learning Indonesian in Wisma Bahasa | WISMA BAHASA

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When the Ambassadors and Expatriates Learning Indonesian in Wisma Bahasa

ketika1The expatriates and some ambassadors of the friendly countries are now vibrant learning Indoneisn Language. One of the courses where they are heading in Yogyakarta is Wisma Bahasa. A reporting from Jawa Pos newspaper:

A board placed between the two dancers statue waist adults in the front office Wisma Bahasa, Demangan Baru, Yogyakarta, Wednesday (4 / 3) ago. There are some names on the board written: Welcome, Ms. Anita Ziller, Ms Nishioka, Ms Cathryn Carlson (UNDP), Ms Victoria (AUSAID).

”That the names of our new students. Board is always there if we install the new students. Let other students know,”said Wisma Bahasa Customer Relation Officer, Itha Prabandhani, to Jawa Pos. Guest room is not too large. Size is only about 20 square meters. Furnishing is simple. Only two set of tables, made of wood. In one chair, there were a man, about 30 years old with a thick bearded sit facing laptop seriously. His name Balancier Antoine, Belgian citizens who are working in Indonesia. ”I’m almost a year (the course) here. But, I still pre- advance level, ha ha ha,”said Balancier in Indonesian, which is almost fluent. Within a year was long enough for a bule study at the Wisma Bahasa. “Properly, the three month course is sufficient. But, I seem too long,”he adds with smiling wide. A worker in one of the NGOs (non-government organizations) in Yogyakarta said, he should be finished more quickly. However, because the intensity of study was less. ”Moreover, I do not like studying,”he said. Study a year, Balancier now be able to speak in Indonesian relatively well. In fact, he is now able to follow the news in the newspaper.

Wisma Bahasa is one of the language course institution in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This institution was established in 1982. The location is in the middle of the city. The address is in Gang Nuri No. 6, Jalan Rajawali, Demangan Baru, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Wisma Bahasa is not merely to teach the language. Institution that was established a number of students of Sanata Dharma University 27 years ago that also teach the culture and methods of learning-oriented students. Place settings, for example, in the study room and front office, widgets typically Indonesia placed on the wall. Crafting, such as a puppet, and images or photos of the Indonesian people, small sculptures made of wood also decorate walls in study rooms. Itha says, learning Indonesian language at Wisma Bahasa is not enough just to learn the language. Learning Indonesian language is also learning Indonesian cultures.

Therefore, Wisma Bahasa also cultivates Indonesian language. Each time you meet with the guests, all employees, security, even the cleaning service must greet with a greeting in Indonesian such as selamat pagi, selamat siang, hingga hati-hati di jalan, or sampai besok.

Besides, the students were taught dancing, and even cooking typical Indonesian cuisine. Puspa Likhu Hapsari, one of the teachers at Wisma Bahasa, one day gave cooking materials soto ayam (chicken broth soup) from Lamongan. ”I am a native from Lamongan, East Java. Thus, I tried to popularize my local wisdom,”said long-haired woman with laughing. At that time, s he introduced spices used to cook soto (Soto Lamongan). When she shown kunir or kunir (turmeric, saffron) all students surprised. They look and wonder it. ”They said, I’ve never seen this in my life,”said nona 24 years.

Itha said that Wisma Bahasa has a distinctive way in the Indonesian language, for example, direct method. This method is the direct teaching of Indonesian language in the context of culture and language, not doing the language translation as a medium of instruction. She took an example, meja, (table) when teaching vocabulary. She does not necessarily say that meja is a table in the English language. ”I said while pointing a table, ini meja, repeatedly,”explain Itha.

This method is suitable to the student’s desire. They really enjoy learning Indonesian language. A number of ambassadors (Dubes) are attracted to study Indonesia language at Wisma Bahasa. Until now, there are four Dubes feel learning Indonesian language at Wisma Bahasa. They are France Ambassador, Herve Ladsous, British Ambassador, Hatful Martin, Royal Norwegian Ambassador, Eivin S. Homme, and the European Union Ambassador, Julian Wilson. The staff also included, new staff or the project leaders who have been working in Indonesia. The target, they should speak Indonesian language with both correct and good.

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