Jl. Affandi, Gang Bromo #15A, Mrican, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

+62 851 0147 8518 / +62 274 520341 marketing@wisma-bahasa.com


We would like to take this opportunity to inform you about the current situation and several announcements. As publicly known, WHO has released an official statement on the raised infection status of COVID 19, from Public Health Emergency of International Concern to Worldwide Pandemic. In addition to circular letter of Minister of Education and Culture no. 3 of 2020, on March 15, 2020, President Joko Widodo has also urged all Indonesians to study and work at home in anticipating the spread of the Coronavirus.

Due to this matter, Wisma Bahasa is thoughtfully taking the following measures:

  1. Direct teaching and learning activities (regular classes) in all Wisma Bahasa premises (Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Bali) are temporarily ceased, commencing from Monday, March 16 until further notice.
  2. Wisma Bahasa is committed to maintaining the services up and running. Thus, both existing and new students who intend to learn during the above mentioned period may rest assured as online classes (E-Learning) are available to substitute the regular classes.
  3. Wisma Bahasa will evaluate this policy by taking into account the latest situation.

We understand the cost for online class is different compared with Jogjakarta, Bali and Jakarta. The tuition fee for online class is lower compared to the class in Jogja but higher than Jakarta and Bali. Considering the ceased policy initiated by Wisma Bahasa we are happy to offer the same price for Jogjakarta student if they would like to study online, and for Jakarta and Bali student, we are happy to offer price for online class.

To facilitate students, clients, and stakeholders, please note that Wisma Bahasa office remains open during our business hours and work days. We highly hope that this situation improves as the safety and health of our students and staffs are nothing but top priority for us. 

Thank you. Stay safe and healthy.

Berkenaan dengan pernyataan resmi WHO yang berkaitan dengan COVID 19 yang mengubah status infeksi dari Public Health Emergency of International Concern menjadi Worldwide Pandemic, serta surat edaran Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan no. 3 tahun 2020 dan imbauan Presiden Joko Widodo pada tanggal 15 Maret 2020, yang memuat kebijakan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia agar bekerja dan belajar dari rumah guna mencegah persebaran virus Corona.

Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, Wisma Bahasa menaruh perhatian atas virus Corona ini dengan serius. Untuk itu, Wisma Bahasa mengambil kebijakan untuk menetapkan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:

  1. Menghentikan proses belajar mengajar tatap muka (regular classes) di semua lingkungan pembelajaran Wisma Bahasa (Jogjakarta, Jakarta, & Bali) terhitung mulai  hari Senin, 16 Maret sampai dengan batas waktu yang belum ditentukan.
  2. Wisma Bahasa tetap berkomitmen menyelenggarakan pembelajaran. Untuk itu, kami menawarkan kelas online (E-learning) untuk menggantikan kelas tatap muka (regular) bagi murid yang ingin tetap belajar selama periode penutupan kelas di atas baik murid lama maupun baru.
  3. Wisma Bahasa akan mengevaluasi kebijakan tersebut berdasarkan perkembangan terakhir.

Selain hal-hal tersebut di atas Wisma Bahasa tetap buka sesuai dengan jam dan hari kerja. Kami juga berdoa dan berharap semoga masalah pandemi ini segera berakhir.

Terima kasih. Jaga selalu kesehatan kita.

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