indonesian language course for foreign diplomats

Jl. Affandi, Gang Bromo #15A, Mrican, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

+62 851 0147 8518 / +62 274 520341

Indonesian Language Course for Foreign Diplomats 2010

The Centre for Education and Training of Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with Wisma Bahasa organized Indonesian language course for foreign diplomats. This program was sponsored by Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia and the course was held at Wisma Bahasa, Yogyakarta. There were 13 participants who came from 11 countries, those are Lao, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines, Vietman, Australia, Palestine, USA, China, Mexico, and PNG.

The program will be conducted from June 29 to August 20, 2010 at Wisma Bahasa. Wisma Bahasa has been conducted this program four times. This Indonesian course was the first experience for them. They will not only study Indonesian language but also, Indonesian culture, such as batik painting, culinary, traditional dancing, visiting government and non-government agencies and some interesting places in Yogyakarta, etc. At the end of study, they are expected to presentation in the Indonesian language in front of their teachers and other invited guests.

Welcome to Indonesia, welcome to Yogyakarta, and welcome to Wisma Bahasa. And enjoy learning bahasa Indonesia at Wisma Bahasa.

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