Pada hari Selasa, 8 Mei 2018, Wisma Bahasa menghadiri undangan dari Peace Corps Indonesia dalam rangka pembukaan kantor baru di Surabaya. Bapak Agus Soehardjono, selaku Direktur mewakili Wisma Bahasa dalam acara open house tersebut. Turut hadir dalam tamu undangan yaitu Duta Besar AS, Joseph R Donovan Jr, Konsul Jenderal AS in Surabaya, Heather Variana, and Country Director of Peace Corps, Jennifer Goette. Dalam kegiatan open house tersebut, tamu undangan diajak untuk berkeliling kantor Peace Corps Indonesia dan mendapatkan penjelasan mengenai fungsi masing-masing bagian. Selain itu, para tamu undangan juga mendapatkan cerita pengalaman dari para relawan yang berkarya di Subang dan Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Sebagai salah satu badan independen yang bergerak dalam bidang sosial, Peace Corps memiliki kaitan yang erat dengan Wisma Bahasa. Pendiri Wisma Bahasa, yaitu Daniel Pearlman merupakan seorang relawan Peace Corps yang mencetuskan ide pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia untuk penutur asing pada tahun 1982. Sejak 2011-2017 Wisma Bahasa mendapat kepercayaan menyelenggarakan pelatihan bahasa Indonesia bagi dan bahasa lokal (Madura, Jawa, dan Sunda) bagi sekitar 70 relawan Peace Corps tiap tahunnya. Semoga dengan kemampuan relawan dalam berkomunikasi bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa lokal serta pengenalan budaya, para relawan Peace Corps dapat berkarya dan diterima dengan baik di masyarakat.
Visitation to the New Office of Peace Corps
The opening of Peace Corps Indonesia’s new office in Surabaya was held on May 8, 2018 and Wisma Bahasa was honored to be invited to this occasion. Mr. Agus Soehardjono, the director of Wisma Bahasa attended the open house, together with His Excellency Joseph R. Donovan Jr; General Consulate US in Surabaya, Heather Variava, and Country Director of Peace Corps, Jennifer Goette.
In the open house, the guests were welcome to go for a tour in Peace Corps Indonesia’s office while being explained about the function of each division in the office. Furthermore, the guests also listened to the stories from the volunteers who were assigned in Subang and Nusa Tenggara Timur.
As one of a Non-Government Organizations which engages in social field, Peace Corps has a close relationship to Wisma Bahasa. The founder of Wisma Bahasa, Mr. Daniel Pearlman, who was a volunteer of Peace Corps, conceived the idea of learning bahasa Indonesia for foreigners in 1982. Since 2011-2017, Wisma Bahasa was commissioned to hold bahasa Indonesia and local languages (Madura, Java, and Sunda) for approximately 70 volunteers annually. Expectantly, the volunteers’ ability in communication and culture familiarization, will make them able to work and adapt in the society they work in.
Tuesday, 8th of May 2018, Wisma Bahasa attended the invitation from Peace Corps Indonesia regarding to the opening of Peace Corps’s new office in surabaya. Mr Agus Soehardjono, as the director, attended Wisma Bahasa in the open house. Also attended as guests are, His Excellency Joseph R Donovan Jr, General Consulate Consulate US in Surabaya, Heather Variana, and Country Director of Peace Corps, Jennifer Goette. In the open house, the guests were welcome to a tour in Peace Corps Indonesia’s office while being explained about the function of each division in the office. Furthermore, the guests also heard the stories from the volunteers who were assigned in Subang and Nusa Tenggara Timur.