Upcoming event: Malam Indonesia

Jl. Affandi, Gang Bromo #15A, Mrican, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

+62 851 0147 8518 / +62 274 520341 marketing@wisma-bahasa.com

Upcoming event: Malam Indonesia 2009

mi08Wisma Bahasa will have an event, that is “Indonesian Night 2009”. This is annual event to celebrate Indonesia Independence Day for foreigners learning Indonesian Language and culture in Wisma Bahasa. Indonesian Night is traditional Indonesian entertainment and Indonesian cultural diversity. All teachers, staff and students are going to wear Indonesian traditional costumes.

There will be:

– Some stands: Sumatera Stands, NTT Stand, Sulawesi Stand, Papua Stand, Bali Stand, and Kalimantan Stand. These stands are to represent Indonesian tribes.

– Traditional food and beverages. Most of them will be Indonesian traditional food and beverages.

– Live music; Live music will perform Indonesian traditional songs

– Traditional performances, such traditional dances, traditional songs, etc

– Fashion Show: show your “crazy” action!

After postponed during two months, this event will be conducted on November 7, 2009 at 18.00, place at Wisma Bahasa

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